~# whoami
I am a Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) analyst by profession. I started off in the field of Network Security Monitoring, which by natural progression, morphed into data analysis and analytics. It is during this transition that i discovered botnets and malware, and was quickly fascinated by their capabilities and complexity. I developed a keen interest on PC malware analysis and forensics, then soon found myself diving into mobile malware and Human Interaction Device (HID) hacking.
This blog is simply an online repository for my thoughts, interactions and the projects i have been working on. Simply to share ideas and insight i gather this field. The blog is a host to resources that i have accumulated over time that i find very handy in my research, for reference purposes and day to day activities. The resources are as listed below with their location on google drive.
- Cheat Sheets - https://goo.gl/N1A8y4
- Mind Maps - https://goo.gl/S0wfPU
- Infosec Infographs - https://goo.gl/CZpm0W
- Blog Roll - https://goo.gl/F7694s
- Cyber Security Reports - https://goo.gl/i0x0bL
- Google Dorks - https://goo.gl/SKWW5A
I trust you will find the information on this blog useful and possibly ignite a conversation on matters cyber security, present an opportunity to share ideas and collaborate on various projects.
You can follow me on twitter at @xtian_kisutsa or email me at shadowinfosec<@>gmail.com for any follow ups on my blogs post or any inquiries.
Happy Reading :)
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